[tccm] Orientation events, help requested
Joel Fernandez
joel_f at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 26 10:07:08 EDT 2005
Hey guys, we just had a council meeting last night to plan out the
Orientation events and we could really use help from anyone who will be
around. I'm copying below the portion of the council meeting minutes
that pertains to this. If you are able to help in any way it would be
most greatly appreaciated, but even if you are not, it would be
wonderful to see many old faces at either of these two events. God
Your brother in Christ,
2) The activities Midway is next Friday Sept. 2 and we have decided to
have a slide show on a laptop with various pictures from TCC events. If
you have any pictures you would be able to contribute, they would be
very much appreciated. Also if you have time to hang around the table
and greet some new students please do so. The Midway is from 4-7 in
Johnson and our table will be in the corner diagonal to the main
entrance (table 50).
3) The Orientation BBQ is next Sunday Sept. 4th and we need plenty of
volunteers to help with setup, cooking, and cleanup both BBQs after the
1:00 and 5:00 Mass. Please email me if you can help with this as we need
several volunteers to get this up and running. 12:30 - 2:00 and 4:30 -
6:00 will be the respective setup times and 2-4 and 6-8 will be the
respective BBQ and cleanup times.
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