[TCCM] Events for the week of 9/20
Paul Harrison Elliott
pelliott at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 19 21:04:50 EDT 2004
This is a weekly email sent out to all members of MIT's Tech Catholic
Community (TCC) announcing the events of the upcoming week.
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This information can generally be found on the TCC webpage:
TCC Events for 9/20
- Fall Weekend Retreat
- Intramural (IM) Sports (Badminton, Bowling, Foosball, Football, Soccer
& Tennis)
- Monday Night Scripture Study with Ann Orlando
- Weekly Prayer Schedule
- Interdenominational Bible Study
- Mid-Week Mass
- First week of Scripture Study
- Mardi Gras Help Requested
- Fall Weekend Retreat
Sign-ups for the Fall Weekend Retreat to Kennebunkport, Maine are still
ongoing - email catholic at mit.edu to sign up. The trip is from October
15-October 17.
- IM Sports
Interested in playing Badminton, Bowling, Foosball, Football, Soccer or
Tennis? Email steve_e at mit.edu to sign up for a TCC IM team. All
abilities are welcome!
Ongoing Events
- Monday Nights
Come participate in a scripture study led by Ann Orlando. See you at
7:00 pm in the Main Dining Hall in W11.
- Prayer This Week
Liturgy of the Hours - M-F 7:30am, 6:15pm, Sat 7:00am, 6:00pm, Sun
9:00am, 6:15pm.
Rosary - daily 6:30pm.
Meet in Chapel. Contact Joel (joel_f at mit.edu) for more information.
If you don't see us in the chapel we are probably either downstairs or
just outside the chapel.
- Interdenominational Bible Study
We're planning to do an interdenominational Bible study. We would
basically meet with interested Protestants and discuss different points
of interest between the two. One need not be an experienced apologist to
attend, all are welcome. I've found that one of the most profound ways
to grow in your understanding of your faith is to constantly question
why it is that you believe what you believe; and nothing quite brings
out those questions better than explaining it to others. The schedule is
still in the works, but I'll be sure to let you know when the first one
will be soon, so watch for that email. Until then, hope to see you at
prayer. -Joel (joel_f at mit.edu)
- Mid-Week Mass
Join us Tuesday and Friday for Mass from 12:05pm - ~12:35pm in the
- Small Group Scripture Studies
Scripture study groups have formed. If you want to join, you still can
- email Elizabeth (e_basha at mit.edu) for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Mardi Gras Help Requested
Yes, it is in February, but to make our annual carnival a success with
minimal effort, we are starting planing now! Interested in
publicizing? Know a student organization interested in coordinating a
booth? Curious what this Mardi Gras carnival is? Contact Elizabeth
(e_basha at mit.edu) for more info!
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