[TCCM] Events for the week of 11/1

Paul Harrison Elliott pelliott at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 31 20:54:46 EST 2004

This is a weekly email sent out to all members of MIT's Tech Catholic
Community (TCC) announcing the events of the upcoming week.

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This information can generally be found on the TCC webpage:

TCC Events for 11/1

- World Youth Day committee
- Simple Supper Sunday November 7th
- Mardi Gras Decorating Chair Needed
- New Service Coordinator and/or Service Planning Team Needed
- Accountability Groups

- Monday Night
- Weekly Prayer Schedule
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Mid-Week Mass Schedule

- Sunday Meal with Bread and Jam

- Interdenominational Bible Study
- French Interdenominational Bible Study
- Spanish Catholic Group

Sign-ups and one-time events

- World Youth Day committee
Interested in meeting young Catholics from all over the World?  The Holy
Father is once more inviting youths (16 to 30 year old) to gather, this
time in Cologne, Germany, from August 15th to August 21th.  TCC would
like to form its own World Youth Day (WYD) committee.  If you think you
might be interested in joining the pilgrims or you just want to learn
more about WYD, please sign up after mass next week.  For more info:
contact Jeanne Lafortune, jlafor at mit.edu.

- Simple Supper Sunday November 7th
Free food!  We will be having a Simple Supper at 6pm on November 7!  (If
you are interested in helping cook, please contact Elizabeth (e_basha).)

- Mardi Gras Decorating Chair Needed
The Mardi Gras party will be February 6 and TCC needs someone to arrange
the decorations!  You would be responsible for contacting the balloon
people, arranging for table centerpieces, and hanging decorations on the
day of the party.  Not very much work!  Please contact Elizabeth
(e_basha) if you are interested in helping!

- New Service Coordinator and/or Service Planning Team Needed
Looking for a new service coordinator and/or service planning team TCC
is looking for some help planning volunteer events in Spring 2005,
especially during the months of January-March.  This is a great
opportunity to get involved with the planning side of TCC social
justice.  There are also possibilities for organizing some interfaith
volunteer events.  Please contact Christine Ng (chrisng at mit.edu) or
Elizabeth Basha (e_basha at mit.edu) if you are interested.

- Accountability Groups
TCC is considering starting accountability groups. For those of you who
are not familiar with such groups, they are basically a group of people
(usually same sex) that meet together regularly to discuss how each
person is doing in their daily walk with Christ, being completely open
and honest (I stress this part, because it one one of the unique
features of such a group) and to try and encourage and support each
member to always continue growing in their relationship with Christ.
We're planning for the meetings to be once a week at the moment
(although individual groups can decide to meet more or less often on
their own once their formed). If you think you would be interested in
joining such a group I would ask that you send me the following
* Name:
* Sex (sometimes I can't always tell by the name):
* Year:
* From 1-10 how good you feel your relationship with God is (be as
honest and accurate as possible):
* Names or groups of any people (of the same sex) you would prefer not
to be grouped with (i.e. John Smith, anyone below year 3, anyone who
ranked themselves above 7, etc.):
* Names or groups of any people (of the same sex) you would prefer to be
grouped with:
* Any other information you feel would be relevant to placing you in a
particular group:
After getting information we'll announce the first meeting for each of
the groups along with a designated contact person for the group. As
always if you have any questions, just give me an email
(joel_f at mit.edu). God bless.

Ongoing Events

- Monday Nights
The Massachusetts Catholic Conference will come and talk to us about
voting and being Catholic.  As always, great free food and awesome
people - 7-9 in w-11 MDH.

- Prayer This Week
Liturgy of the Hours - M-F 7:30am, 6:15pm, Sat 7:00am, 6:00pm, Sun
8:30am, 6:15pm.
Rosary - daily 15 minutes after the start of Liturgy of the Hours.
Meet in Chapel.  Contact Joel (joel_f at mit.edu) for more information.
If you don't see us in the chapel we are probably either downstairs
or just outside the chapel. 

- Eucharistic Adoration
Join us Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration in the
Chapel.  Wednesday will include praying the Rosary.

- Mid-Week Mass
Join us Tuesday and Friday for Mass from 12:05pm - ~12:35pm in the
Chapel.  (Note - no mass this Friday)

Volunteer Opportunities

- Sunday Meal with Bread and Jam
November Volunteer Event
Bread & Jams is a charitable organization that assists people at 
transitions in their lives when they find themselves at risk or 
homeless.  TCC will be helping to prepare and serve their weekly Sunday
Meal.  We would like to have 8-10 volunteers per shift.
* DATE: Sunday, November 7
* LOCATION: St. James' Episcopal Church, 1991 Mass Ave., Porter Square
* MEET: 30 min before assigned shift at Kendall outbound T entrance
* TIME: (sign up for 1 or more shifts)  2:00 - 4:00 pm; 4:00 - 5:30 
pm;  5:30 - 7:30 pm
* SIGN-UP: Contact Christine (chrisng at mit.edu) with your preferred shift

Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)

- Interdenominational Bible Study
Hey guys, as promised we're gonna start getting the ball rolling on
this. The study would be topically based; each week we'd select a topic
of interest to discuss (i.e. Mary, the saints, authority of the church,
faith and works, etc. etc.). The discussion is deep and the questions
are often difficult, but it is an excellent way to grow in your
understanding of the faith.  We will be meeting for the first time
Sunday 10/17 at 2:00pm in the middle of the Student Center.  We may
start out meeting every other week.  If you'd like more information,
contact Joel (joel_f at mit.edu).

- French Interdenominational Bible Study
Voila un petit courriel, pour vous annoncer que nous sommes un petit 
groupe de francophones a nous reunir hebdomadairement pour discuter des
tresors caches d'un livre, vieux de plusieurs millenaires et pourtant
toujours d'actualite: la Bible. Que vous n'ayez jamais ouvert une Bible
ou que vous soyez docteur en theologie, vous etes tous bienvenus a ces
discussions informelles! Si vous etes interesses, venez nous rejoindre
les mercredis a 18h00, dans la Chem Eng lounge (66-201).

- Spanish Catholic Group
Deseas compartir tus vivencias cotidianas a la luz del
Evangelio, profundizar en tu Fe, orar juntos y hacer
Te esperamos cada miercoles de 7pm a 8:30pm en 1105
Boylston St. Boston,MA (entra por la puerta principal
de la Iglesia, doblas a la izquierda, y sigues derecho
hasta el saln.)
Para mayor informacin: Contactarse con: Ana Luca
Vlieg: anaenpascua at hotmail.com telefono: (617)

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