[Tango-L] Tango 'Al Reves'

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Fri May 27 09:17:02 EDT 2011

 I just saw an ad for a special 'Al Reves' performance of Arg. Tango in the milonga near my home town in the States...I suppose that we can all imagine/guess at what 'Al Reves' means....a new twist to the traditional dance... soon the dance will be soooo twisted that we will have to look for alternative music that is likewise twisted to go along with it...jaja
 So, call me a retro, someone against 'progress'..and that I will soon have to learn the woman's role in the dance in order to get dances... hmmm, that would mean a lot more $$$ spent on 'lessons' too..wouldn't it?

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