[Tango-L] BsAs Floorcraft - How is it really?
tangomaniac at cavtel.net
Mon Jan 11 12:27:35 EST 2010
I didn't see any signalling while I was in BA. I saw men running stop
signs, red lights and not using directional signals to indicate they
were changing lanes. When the music started, it took one minute (out
of a 3 minute musical selection) before EVERYBODY was moving on the
floor. Some people liked to talk more than dance. But at a BA
traditional milonga, men and women are segregated so the only time at
the milonga you can talk is when the music starts, which of course,
jams up the traffic line.
Navigation skills are more important than any figure you can learn.
Dancing at the Denver Tango Festival was excellent practice.
Washington, DC
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
<patangos at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Daniel (Trenner) describes navigating the floor as being like a chess game, with the men trying to find the space on the floor. However, key to this is the men watching and signaling each other. A man might signal to another "go ahead and take that space".
> To me, this makes sense. It also give more meaning to the phrase that you're dancing with everyone else in the room.
> Comments? Perhaps those currently in BsAs can give this aspect of navigation a try at the milongas?
> Trini de Pittsburgh
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