[Tango-L] Forward Step By Lady

John Lowry john at lowry.com.au
Sat Jan 9 18:52:10 EST 2010

From: "Michael" ..........
Carlos Gavito said "I lead, but I follow." The woman moves first  
and he follows stepping forward. The opposite is true when the man moves
backward.  He leads himself backwards and the woman follows him going
forward.......... from the time the man steps backward and his
torso begins to move backward, leading the woman to step forward.

Gavito is right, and so are you, except that (dancing social tango) it  
is torso first, then leg. Leg first is the dreaded "anticipation" that  
all teachers talk about and some understand. It is the apparent  
"walking together" (marked with the chest / torso) that give Tango the  
"cat" walk.

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