[Tango-L] The dreaded back step

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Thu Jan 7 17:16:54 EST 2010

Michael wrote:
> I avoid teaching the 8 count basic. You have to remember what it's
> like to be beginner. Beginners will try to follow what is taught in
> EVERY situation, and that includes milongas. Telling them "this is to
> give you guidance in movement but don't dance it at a milonga" is not
> helpful.

Unless you also tell them that that step can also be danced "back"
roughly 1nm (that's a millionth of a millimetre) - and should be,
actually, unless you know you aren't against the line of dance.

But of course, that can't be right, because it then no longer has a
*dreaded* back step, so it's no longer the "mandatory" 8CBwDBS?

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