[Tango-L] the dreaded back step

John Lowry john at lowry.com.au
Wed Jan 6 21:34:41 EST 2010

..........The previous example quoted, while removing the back step on  
count 1, then adds in 2 back steps on counts 5 an 6,doesn't progress  
down the floor and, IMHO, is even worse than the 8CBWDBS.

OK, but it is not quite as blunt an instrument as that Jack.  However  
we find it works well and learners enjoy it, partly because it is  
relatively simple and danceable right off the bat.  At the milonga it  
can be turned and shaped to progress anywhere at all.  Most beginners  
seem to handle that fairly naturally.  The big thing is they are  
already learning how, not what.  However, my first point was, whatever  
you do - don't count.

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