[Tango-L] Valentin and Aron are right

Sergio Vandekier sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 6 13:19:45 EDT 2009

Valentin says : "The tango today (with some, fortunately not all, discussions in Tango-L) follows the development of the chritian religion - from Jerusalem to Rome (and all the heretics and also all the saints...) and than the Eastern Orthodox..., and the protestants... and the churches un the States (baptistes, méthodistes and so on ...) And all they claim to have the same Jesus !!! Oh, my god! Who is the next Tango-prophet?"
I always had suspected that tango followed the " chritian religion" as Valentin very well says.
I also suspected that it was in some way related to the sun, the stars, and the planets that revolve around them.   
But...Aron and perhaps Valentin as well will agree that Nuevo tango is more related to the horoscope than the other tango styles that are less astronomically inclined; milonguero being the least sideral as it is very grounded (remember to keep your knees flexed). 
I hope that by saying this I will not be accused of Arianism, as Giordano Bruno was condemned more for Arianism that for dancing tango in the wrong style, in the wrong milonga.
To finish I sometimes wonder if I am the new Tango Prophet, what do you think Valentin?
Best regards, Sergio 		 	   		  
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