[Tango-L] Nuevo Milonguero

Brian Dunn brianpdunn at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 4 15:05:00 EDT 2009

Áron, you wrote:
I believe that 'nuevo' became a term that doesn't describe a form of 
dancing. It doesn't really mean any type or style of dancing that could 
be identified without doubt just by looking...
The few things that nuevo DOES mean is:
- a structured way of building up your dancing...
- a free, open way of thinking about tango as a dance...
- goal in the structure of nuevo is to identify the simplest and 
smallest common technical elements that forms the basis of all and every 
tango style, that are intercompatible on a very wide domain of moves...
- another goal is to identify the ways to increase internal body 
awareness of these technical elements, to devise methods that make 
connection, communication between couple understandable for those who do 
not understand it yet...
...tango as it was danced does not 
exists anymore, as ALL the original social factors, institutions, 
locations, cultural background has changed, disappeared or was replaced 
by other forms...
...Face it: what is NOT 'nuevo' is really just an attempt to imitated the 
form of a dance that was danced a very long time ago in a different era. 
A historical dance. It is the same thing as if you would try to recreate 
the 80s style in pop...
 There are huge differences between [classical] styles: baroque 
spanned two hundred years. Vivaldi is a literally power metal compared 
to Monteverdi, but it is still the same style...
Well, I am just awestruck by this message - a true pleasure to read and
savor.  Thank you for taking the conversation to a new level. Vivaldi as
"power metal" - I love it! Bravissimo!

All the best,
Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado USA
"Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time"

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