[Tango-L] Shocked

Jack Dylan jackdylan007 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 20:43:28 EST 2009

I agree with Trini. My response would probably have been ...."don't worry about 
it; let's just try again."  Later, when leading the cross again, I would make the 
lead very clear so that I'm sure she'd follow correctly.. Then I could say something 
like ... "OK, no problem". This kind of thing happens all the time and the girl is 
always very happy with the outcome.

As for Jay's advice to the girl, during a milonga, to 'bend the knees more and 
take bigger backward steps', that's very fundamental teaching and, IMO, definitely 
shouldn't be done at a milonga. However, LEADING the girl to do it would be a 
completely different thing and would be very acceptable, IMO.


----- Original Message ----
> From: Trini y Sean (PATangoS) <patangos at yahoo.com>
> So you basically made her self-conscious about her walk for the rest of the 
> night.  This is why "helping" like this at a milonga is a bad idea.  Since she's 
> a beginner, she'll now get it into her head that it's okay to teach or be taught 
> at a milonga.  Forget about listening to the music or her partner.  


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