[Tango-L] "Shocked"

Tango Mail tango at springssauna.com
Tue Feb 24 13:56:13 EST 2009

Larry said:

Sometimes when I see someone "teaching" I'll ask the lady to dance with me by saying "If I promise not to 
teach you anything will you dance with me?"  Usually I get a smile in return and a Yes!

But (very) occasionally I get a puzzled frown and the response "I liked it."  Which puzzles ME!

Larry de Los Angeles


I wish more people would abandon asking to dance verbally; above 
conversation should never take place and if it does it should
be after the couple has started dancing (and at that time in a changed 
way).  Cabeceo needs to practiced more and enforced, too.
My friend D from the next town up North has said that women should 
decline verbal invitations and only accept those made by
using cabeceo (she is a she herself).  Since the men are inherently 
incapable of complying with the old rules the women should
do the policing for the good of us all, IMHO.  Surely doesn't help, 
though, that the milongas are kept darker than my bedroom.
One can hardly make out who is sitting on the other side of the room.

Question:  WHY are the milongas in the US kept so friggin' dark, 
anyway?  Isn't the motion and the dance itself  'romantic' enough?
I don't understand why one needs to have a flashlight with them to the 
milongas.. and this is happening from coast-to-coast in the US.,
even during festivals when one would like to take video and photos, but 
alas, can not.


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