[Tango-L] BsAs: Young/Old, Milongas/Practicas - Part II

Brian Dunn brianpdunn at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 17 14:10:32 EST 2009

Trini, you wrote:
...at our weekly milongas I discourage any teaching, even in the non-pista
at our venue because I don't want beginners to think that teaching is okay
at a milonga.

True here, too...the practica is still a practica, but I note that there is
a tendency for people to "pretend" they are at a milonga when on the
"milonga/ronda side" of the practica dividers, and switch to the
"freeform/practica" side in order to teach or work on something more
intently that might involve talking.

At the Mercury café, our other large milonga, there's no hard-edged outer
ronda, but line of dance is generally observed, generally nobody tries to do
any "talk-teaching" during social dance time, even in the spacious middle,
which is big enough to allow those who don't join the ronda to remain more
or less stationary or even move around more or less randomly.
All the best,
Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
"Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time"

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