[Tango-L] Dancing to Di Sarli and D'Arienzo

Sergio Vandekier sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 13 15:52:00 EDT 2009

Here Gustavo Naveira, adjusts to the music and mostly dances Traditional Tango Style.  Indio Manso - Carlos di Sarli.
When you are a good dancer and know several tango styles you adjust your dancing to the available space, the music, your partner, the moment, the circumstances.
Chicho and Lucia at La viruta, dancing to "El Flete" - Juan D'aArienzo -
Chicho also adjust to the music and the other circumstances, uses a close embrace that at times opens to allow figures that need more room.
Summary: the more you know, the more you adjust to the circumstances, and do some sort of Syncretism, using elements of different tango styles that basically are present in Traditional Tango anyways.
Best regards, Sergio
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