[Tango-L] Milonga-Candombera, Canyenguero etc.
Jean-Pierre Sighe
jpsighe at sighes.com
Wed Sep 10 19:55:56 EDT 2008
Huck Kennedy,
Let's go point by point. You seem to sharp for me. Please, bear with me.
1/ Are you a poor dancer? Just checking.
> Indeed. Mr. Sighe unwittingly mentioned it himself above when he
> said "rhythm in their bodies," the elephant in the room being, "not in
> their arms." Find me an Argentine instructor who advocates that sort
> of arm movement and I'll gladly reconsider my opinion.
2/ A stiff body will not comprehend what having rhythm in the body means or
implies. I would submit to you that a movement in the arm is perfectly fine
a/ it does not negatively impact the partner. In fact, if both partners are
in sync, they will BOTH participate in that rhythmic adornment, thus,
DANCING together.
b/ It's not done all the time, but just from time to time to increase the
grooving (but then again, "increase the grooving" would be foreign to a
stiff body).
>> Why don't you post a clip of Huck dancing (anything) for the rest of us.
>> Would you?
> This is as good a time as any to discuss posting videos to
> Tango-L, since over the past few months it seems to have become the
> latest rage.
3/ Huck Kennedy, don't think that every one on this list suffer from the
same disease you suffer from (whatever it might be). I personnaly do ENJOY
all the videos posted by other dancers. It is great to see people having fun
with their thing. You can always use the "delete" button to avaoid watching.
That's what an adult would do, in my opinion. Stop the whinning about people
expressing their freedom of expression.
> First of all, let's dispense with the ridiculous before moving
> onto the sublime. For those who say, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, well let's
> see your video if you're so smart!!," I would ask, what are you going
> to do for your next parlor trick, ask film critic Roger Ebert to post
> an example of his latest movie, since he has so much to say about
> other people's movies?
> Secondly, it would never even occur to me or the many people I
> know who are good dancers to post videos of themselves on the
> internet, as though we were somehow special--but hey, to each his own.
> If we did, however, we would not expect ourselves to be immune to
> critique, or get all upset and indignant when it came. If we found
> the critique useful, we'd apply it and be thankful for having received
> it; if not, we'd just ignore it.
> So--what are we on Tango-L supposed to do with all these videos
> people keep posting? What is the point of posting them, if we can't
> use them as a teaching exercise and discuss what we like and what we
> don't like about them? Is this like in kindergarten where everybody
> gets a trophy?
> What are we Tango-L readers to make of all these videos, when we
> see dancing at least as good if not better everytime we go to a
> festival, or in many cases, every time we go to our own local
> milongas, week in and week out?
3/ Huck Kennedy, once again, we live in a FREE society. You got that?????
If you want to attck someone (notice how different is an "attck" from a
"criticism"), be strong enough to sustain your attack, when put on the spot.
In other words, some scoundrels who have populated fora on the Net for too
long, just love to attack other people behind their ridiculous nicknames,
but cannot offer any clip of themselves dancing anything, to the rest of us.
Then, all of a sudden, you encounter them at a milonga, you watch them
"dance" and you just shake your head!
Stop the whinning and just post a clip to us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jean-Pierre Sighe
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