[Tango-L] Stone Soup 2008 Follow Up

m i l e s tangobliss at gmail.com
Thu May 8 05:04:54 EDT 2008


Man did you folks miss a really good time...

Stone Soup was a very very high quality event that went far beyond my  
expectations and I know for fact amoung many in the facebook wor that  
they're still missing the experience.

Quality of dance was far above any festival I've been to thus far in  
the last year.  There were ZERO mishaps on the dance floor, and the  
line of dance was so well respected I didn't have to manage it other  
than to think of it in passing. There were soooo many amazing dancers  
from all across the tango universe, you couldn't spit (not like you'd  
want to) without hitting one.

The Seminars and Cell experiences were all top notch.  All given by  
very experience dancers, and excellent speakers all.

Classes before the Milongas, great intermediate level topics.  Good  
foundation stuff.  Loved it.

And then there was the FOOD!  This was food made with love by all of  
the participants in one way, shape or form or another.  Many hands  
made lite work and that was very true from the quality and quantity of  
food (real food, not 'snacks'), salads that were made, whole dishes  
that were brought over...it was POT LUCK without the need for the luck.

Lastly, URBAN CAMPING...you folks should try this.  Note to festival  
organizers, when setting up 'housing' for outta town folks, try to  
rent a huge space with a shower, kitchen and have them sleep on their  
own air mattresses or bedding.  Pretty simple and effective.  It also  
has the added benefit of making ppl bond who would have otherwise not  
have a chance to hang out with each other.

There was a sense of community spirit in that room for 4 days....and I  
wouldn't trade it for all the tea in china.

For those of you who want to see for yourselves...

FLICKR.COM ->  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tangobliss/collections/72157604915109460/
YOUTUBE.COM -> http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D5F82A90A0A80AFF

I had a wonderful time, and can't wait for next year.



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