[Tango-L] Open Embrace Connection

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Tue Mar 11 23:15:36 EDT 2008


>From my experience, what you're describing is quite unusual - I mean changing from 
close embrace to a more open embrace. Most people learn open because, initially, 
they feel more comfortable that way. But, gradually, they get closer until they dance 
close. Usually this is a natural progression. Often, I'm the first person that ladies 
dance with in close embrace and what I find is that, in almost every case, they NEVER 
want to go back to open embrace.

If the ladies you're describing have danced with you before in close embrace, I think 
that what might be happening is that they want to stay in close embrace, which is 
why they're leaning towards you - trying to make contact. In the meantime, it sounds 
like you're trying to keep them away from you -  in an open embrace.

David, once the lady has experienced your delicious close embrace - she never wants 
to give it up. As TFH is always telling us, and I agree, dance for the lady, not for 
yourself. Give her what SHE wants. And, after giving her close embrace, to then deny
it is cruel and unusual punishment :-).

Keith, HK

 On Wed Mar 12  0:16 , David Thorn  sent:

>I am trying to expand my dancing to include more facility with open embrace.  Many of the women hereabouts seem to want to lean on me; not to maintain their own axis, but rather require that I do it for them.  In close embrace I have no problem with a shared axis.  In open embrace I find this to be very tiring, especially since I am short and many women in their heels are at least my height or taller.

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