[Tango-L] tall men in close embrace

jackie ling wong jackie.wong at adelphia.net
Mon Mar 10 23:58:16 EDT 2008

thanks michael.  i agree with everything but the "small of the back"  
as mentioned before, when i reach back as a follower, i want to be  
able to extend my leg which, from what i understand from talking to  
movement specialists, starts below the ribcage.  also, if the  
connection is in the man's belly because of his height and my  
shortness then to focus on the chest and be misleading.  sometimes a  
beer gut is not a bad thing.  what's interesting is that these guys  
have concave bellies which makes it more difficult to connect there.

giselle's walk is a very good illustration of reaching back from below  
the ribcage.  there is an exercise for you if anyone wants to know.

i like the idea of the chair with coasters.  cool.
On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:51 PM, Michael wrote:

does anyone have any special advice that they find resonates
with the "giants"?  are there any differences?in emphasis?
jackie wong
Since the man "follows the woman," the size of the woman's
step is to a large extent dependent on the man's frame. If
the man leads a small step, the woman should feel small
movement in the frame. But then, the man has to have a FIRM
(not STIFF) frame. I place my right hand on the woman's
"small of the back" which is just about above her waist. My
experience is she can feel my frame better. If I hold my
hand higher, it can feel like I'm pulling her into my chest
and off her balance or axis.

I suggest the men practice with a chair with coasters. They
should lead the chair to move BEFORE they step.

Michael Ditkoff
Washington, DC
4 weeks to Atlanta Tango Festival

I'd rather be dancing Argentine Tango

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