[Tango-L] tall men in close embrace

Tom Stermitz stermitz at tango.org
Mon Mar 10 17:56:29 EDT 2008

They (both leader and follower) have to rearrange their concept of leg  

Both leader and follower have the SAME leg length, if you measure  
length from the connection point, i.e. the tummy or solar plexus or  
wherever it is. In other words, the leg actually goes up into the  
tummy. It is as simple as just thinking about it differently.

Also, it hurts if the followers "reach back", instead they need to  
"stretch downward", and let the legs pass by more slowly, like a  
pendululm. Long strides come from the supporting leg, not the moving  

Also, the leader has to maintain posture with hips and body forward.  
The moment the leader tries to compensate for her "short" legs by  
holding his hip backward, the partners lose the connection.

Finally, the leader's and follower's legs may "almost brush" at the  
thighs (and tummy, if need be). This keeps legs more synchronized in  
their movements. Actually touching thighs may feel trapped, but almost  
brushing feels nestled.

On Mar 10, 2008, at 10:34 AM, jackie ling wong wrote:

> i have two very tall guys...  like alex krebs... in my beginner close
> embrace class.  i have tried everything and still they come very close
> to stepping on their partner's feet.  i can dance with them because i
> really extend but others have problems.  they are beginners so i
> understand the problems with leaning extension, intention etc at that
> level.  i also explain that you have to find the connection with every
> partner you dance with because size, height, embrace is different with
> each person.
> but...  does anyone have any special advice that they find resonates
> with the "giants"?  are there any differences?  in emphasis?

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