[Tango-L] What Argentine Tango is, and what it is not.

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Thu Mar 6 17:17:35 EST 2008


It happens that I have an extensive explanation of this very subject. 

The difference between A/T and Ballroom and what Argentine Tango truly
is...   It started out as just another written lesson on the web..,
but it did not turn out that way.   It goes way beyond simple

I believe and have been told by people here that it is very much what
Tango is.., and what it is not.   Tango, imho, is such an entirely
separate entitity from ballroom that I do not even consider it a dance
at all.

So.., I'm offering it up..,  if you have the time.  :-)


What it is not...:

then carry on to what it is...:

I know it's so long that many will not spend the time.  But those who
have, have told me I have it nailed from start to finish.   

For those who would now, please let me know what you think.

Many thanks...


     Argentine Tango - Buffalo Tango - Sun Tango 
      * * * * * www.buffalotango.com  * * * * *

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