[Tango-L] Practice Practice Practice

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 6 12:56:13 EST 2008

 I've just completed my fifth month of Tango study. I am interested in the milonguero style of A.T..ie: close-embrace, connection, musicality, a few simple moves; ocho cortado, giro, turns from ochos or at the cross, sacada, pauses, walking in all it's forms, side steps, check-step.
I am actively seeking a practice partner(s) to practice with frequently during each week. I am super interested in perfecting the walk..being able to go from inside to outside and parallel to crossed and back with no difficulty..this is my dream. I figure that once I can do this, I will be able to add anything else in time.
  I only have my living room to practice in..can anyone give me ideas for low to no cost venues wherein to practice?? I would like enough space to really let it out, so to speak, with dynamic walking when the spirit moves me.
   I have also thought of just dancing, one song after another after another after another...fantasy? What else could be done in a private practice session that can't be done elsewhere?...the Marathon idea occured to me...dance and dance and dance thru any blocks....ie: thinking, planning, worrying...etc etc..
My question is mostly for the followers..will they be satisfied working on the basic walk? Will it get boring fast for them? (for me, never)..how can I make a practice session interesting (no humor, please)?
Do you have any suggestions for structuring or negotiating a practice session / program?? 
Any ideas along these lines, (or other lines that I haven't thought of), will be very helpful..thks

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