[Tango-L] Get real

thorn-inside@hotmail.com thorn-inside at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 5 16:57:16 EST 2008

>> Another recent post: "As far as I'm concerned, this list should be
>> considered as relating to *improvisational* dancing, using Tango style
>> of lead."

>> What is a Tango style of lead exactly?

I don't know if this is correct, but have the impression that the ballroom
versions of Tango do not admit crossed feet.  Is this so?  

I interpret "Tango Lead" to be that the lead is responsible for leading
every weight change and step of the follow, irrespective of what he, or his
feet, or even his chest if in other than close embrace, are doing.  I
personally know of no other dance in which the lead is expected to be able
to manage the follow's every weight change independently of his weight

At the extreme, say West Cost Swing, the lead indicates to the follow that
she should go somewhere.  How she gets there and on what foot she steps etc
are entirely up to the follow.  Weight changes are not necessarily any part
of the lead's job.

D. David Thorn

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