[Tango-L] bad Nuevo and the future

Dubravko Kakarigi dubravko_2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 1 10:31:56 EST 2008

Some of the discussion on this subject has been quite interesting. Let me add that, in my view, there are bad and good "classic" tango dancers as well as bad and good "nuevo" tango dancers. I think that those who come down so hard on one or the other have not really experienced it when it is great. I love to see all styles when danced well and when I can tell that the dance is not mechanical (this can and does happen with the "classic" as well as with the "nuevo"). I think that to dance "nuevo" well and to feel its power takes enormous amount of skill and musicality not any less than the "classic." For the time being, my focus is on the "chest-to-chest embrace" due to circumstances, but am eying and learning other styles as well (including the "canyengue" of the old).There is no doubt that the feeling is different in different styles, but that is a plus, in my view?

seek, appreciate, and create beauty
   this life is not a rehearsal

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