[Tango-L] Mel re: Changes of direction.

Melroy melroyr at xtra.co.nz
Thu Jun 26 20:32:35 EDT 2008

Yes Chris I'm you are right. 
The term 'change of direction' is just a term that has been applied to moves
involving a change of direction (Funny that), not one particular step. 

The example I described comes from the teaching of Gustavo Naveira and also
Fabian Salas, and probably others influenced by them but I don't know them
(I think Chico also uses this term for the same type of move). Of course
they have many variations of this, but always it is the couple changing
together. I guess others may use the term in other ways.

I'm not even sure if the example I use came from them directly
(Naveira/Salas). I did work on a lot of these 'changes' some years ago, but
this one is more something that has worked its way into my social dance
without really thinking about it. But if I do think about it and describe it
 I use this term.

Placing it at a level is another story altogether!

Funny, I didn't think my post got through to Tango-L as I didn't see it come
back to me, and no one responded to it. That has happened before, maybe my
post wasn't that interesting? Oh well.

Thanks, Mel (nz). 

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