[Tango-L] Practica X and generation Y

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 26 12:01:08 EDT 2008

How will Tango Nuevo affect the dance in the coming generations?
  I am reading interviews with various proponents of the Nuevo approach
  and am just plain curious about how it will produce innovations in my own 
  developing dance.
  One factor that is immediately apparent is that whatever 'new' in terms of
  steps/sequences that we see, will most probably be the result of 'Nuevo'.
  I am thinking that even the close embrace apilado approach will soon be
  letting in some 'fresh' step combos from this approach..(if not already)
   I haven't been around the scene for that long (9mos) and so, may be way
  behind what's already been negotiated between these two forms..


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