[Tango-L] In defense of the basic eight count steps

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 17 08:24:48 EDT 2008

Some clarification;
   I have not tried (nor will I ever) to dance the basic 8 (nor any 
  variation of it) in a practica nor a milonga. I don't like seeing others dance it neither ..it looks unimaginative. I am in my ninth month of dancing. 
  The Vals and Milonga seem obviously
  doable...the slo Tango doesn't ..I can dance the Vals and Milonga 'to the music'..the slo
  tango seems to defy this. I can't figure this out, when I do, I will post about it here.
  I'm noticing some suprising side-benefits from doing the basic sequence over and over
  and over with the supervision of pro's...I'm reporting on it, that's all..
  If practising the basic 8 or 5 or whatever, will break me thru to dancing the slo Tango
  with improv and good form, I will do it. I will eat spaghetti at the curbside if it will work.


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