[Tango-L] Milonga - inspiration for the weekend

Burak Ozkosem buraktango at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 15:09:11 EDT 2008

Ron has a point, however, dancing on tango beat with couple 
syncopations  does not mean milonga dancing necessarily. I would prefer 
to choose calm dancing compared to unsuccessfull chasing of the music. 
Does it make sense?
We teach milonga technique after we teach tango technique, this won't 
for work leaders unfortunately.

Advancing in musicality requires several skills such as
.Manipulation and recombination of the rhythm
.transition between staccato and legato concepts
.developing awareness on thematic vs sequence focused patterns (cruzada, 
ocho cortado etc.)
Here some different milonga dancing styles by great dancers

If you have no idea or confused about what I'm talking about, feel free 
to write me directly.


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