[Tango-L] Dividing tango

Sergio Vandekier sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 30 23:49:21 EDT 2008

Brick says "These couples are obviously dancing for the audience, and not for each other. If only they knew what the "audience" really thought of them".

It could be the wrong audience?  Nobody wants to dance for an audience that cannot appreciate his performance.  Showing off is not well liked .

This is a problem of the particular dancers and not one of the Tango Style. Dancing "out of place" is wrong. 

Most of the time when a couple dances well, and decides to gift the audience with an improvised performance this "gift" is greatly appreciated; the attendants ask the couple to give an exhibition. This happens all the time in Buenos Aires. Then everyone applauds and is very happy.

As a rule it is better to dance the same style that everyone else is doing.  One should not show off.

He adds "Performance Tango. In performance tango, the dancers are dancing FOR someone outside thepartnership. They are still dancing WITH one another, but they are dancing FOR someone else."

If they are performing then they are dancing to please the audience with their art.

But where I think you are wrong is in  assuming that those that dance, traditional tango, canyengue, nuevo, etc, are always, and only, dancing for the audience.

They are not, when they use those tango styles to dance "socially" they dance with the same attributes that the other "milonguero style" dancers so much cherish.

They have good connection, both physical and spiritual, they dance for each  other, as all the other couples in the room do the same (as they are all dancing the same style). They have perfect lead and follow skills and navigate the floor without disturbing anyone.

It happens that their dance is so beautiful that many people take turns to sit and admire the other dancers as well.  

Summary: It is wrong to assume that those that dance traditional (Villa Urquiza) tango, Canyengue, or nuevo "only" dance to perform, "no way", they dance socially as well.  They dance for each other with perfect connection and reciprocal spirituality.

It is also wrong to dance "out of place" where your style is not appreciated. 

The problem is not the tango style, is the poor dancer, the show off, the one that dances out of place.  Beginners should dance at practicas and not at the milongas.

Best regards, Sergio

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