[Tango-L] Dancing socially to Piazzolla

steve pastor tang0man2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 23 18:24:37 EDT 2008

When men and women have stopped being men and women and became amoebas ready to dance to anything in any role, why try to save anything?  You can't play a game where the players don't agree on the rules.
And now I will go and swallow some anti-sarcasm drugs.
While I appreciate Nina's sarcasm, I'll bite, since this is a bit in line with the lead or follow?
of another thread.

"It is now true that traditional diifferentiation between male nd female roles in society are
changing. Dance as a reflection of society, incorporates those changes...But the average
anatomical differences between men and women remain....the man uses his strength to
provide support and the woman uses her shape and flexibilty to show a graceful line. When
partnered dance removes the constraints of that traditional style, the movements are likely
to be quite different..."
Kenneth Laws in "Physics and the Art of Dance"
Also note that country western dance has been much more resistant to gender role swapping.
In fact it is practically non existant.
Yee Haw, conservatives!


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