[Tango-L] ....who am I going to learn from? ..and when??

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 12 20:01:17 EDT 2008

OK, this is my last post for the week ..number 4 or 5 ..but I'm keeping within the rules
  and to thank Huck for his enlightening post, I will not whine nor complain...
  I am about to complete 10 months of sufferingly trying to learn to dance the Slooo Tango.
  and it's time for a report.  I danced with a male follwer this week (repugnant because I 
  am dancing Tango to 'feel like a man') and he said to me "please, lower and don't move
  your shoulders because I'm trying to feel the step and the rest interferes") ..just like a 
  follower...throws tea on the fire...anyway, it seemed like good advice but now I find that 
  when I control my shoulders, I deaden my dance... what do you advise?
   I live in Phila. and am lucky to have some darn good instructors..I almost did the dreaded
  change of life of prefering classes to Milongas...(Chris)..but I'm still going to both.
   I notice that it's not the best dancer that I learn from by watching..but rather the one of
  my similar body type who dances THE pattern that I'm ready to assimulate..learn..and
  he dances it slow and sloppy enough for me to see it in all it's glory..what do you think?
   Anyway, I could do a few more posts on this subject but I ran out of posts this week..
  see you next week.  sincerely,  Flaco Mario


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