[Tango-L] Posting & open discussion on Tango-
Tango Tango
tangotangotango at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 18:17:07 EST 2008
Different people welcome different things.
The vocabulary when dancing with an embrace is infinite. Nothing is excluded
on pure technical grounds although good taste and respect for others
preclude dancers from doing ganchos in a milonga.
It is bound to offend when people who do not follow the protocols and
traditions of tango insist that their dance be held in the same regard as
Argentine tango. It's like Pizza Hut demanding that their food be classified
as Italian cuisine.
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 2:05 PM, <thorn-inside at hotmail.com> wrote:
> It appears to me that there is a strongly held opinion among many on this
> list that tango music from the golden age is the only acceptable dance
> music, and that "milonguero" style is the only acceptable social dance
> style, and that any other style of either music or dance is not tango.
> Furthermore, it would appear that quite a number also have the opinion
> that
> until one has listened to tango music and exclusively walked and danced
> ocho's for a year, or some other long period of time, they are not capable
> or even worthy of learning anything else. Finally, since the close
> embrace
> "social" vocabulary is not large and excludes many of the otherwise
> possible
> ganchos, boleos, secadas, colgadas, etc..., even talking about those
> elements is apriori evidence that one is not talking about tango.
> Question - Is my impression correct? Since nuevo dancers appear not to be
> considered tango dancers, are they as unwelcome as it might appear? It
> seems that having an open discussion about anything but BaAs milongas &
> milongueros, or perhaps about how to execute the perfect left turn, is
> doomed to degenerate into a discussion of what is and is not tango and, by
> implication, what is and is not acceptable for discussion on this list.
> Is
> this so?
> regards,
> David Thorn
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