[Tango-L] Close Embrace in ?

Myk Dowling politas at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 01:22:02 EST 2008

Steve Littler wrote:
 > Where does the lady put her face in this V position?
 > Steve
 > Jack Dylan wrote:
 >> Mario,
 >> Yes, the lady's left breast between your two is the position for the
 >> "V" embrace and this is by far the most popular embrace used in the
 >> milongas of Buenos Aires. But there are a growing number of teachers,
 >> who often promote their classes as 'Milonguero Style', who teach a
 >> different embrace with full nipples to nipples contact.

I find I end up in different embraces due mostly to body shapes and 
familiarity. With tall, skinny women that I know fairly well, it's the 
nipple-nipple style parallel close embrace, which can be awkward for a 
lot of moves, but is very comfortable for milongas and simple steps. 
Tall women with a fuller bosom make a "V" embrace more comfortable. Some 
women will still look over my shoulder, while some will look to their 
right, towards the open end of the "V". As height decreases, I am more 
likely to end up in an open embrace. I don't find a close embrace 
comfortable when my chin is over the lady's head. And here in Australia, 
many women are not comfortable with a close embrace at all, especially 
those new to Tango.

in Canberra

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