[Tango-L] It's another world in Buenos Aires

Janis Kenyon Jantango at feedback.net.ar
Mon Sep 10 14:55:57 EDT 2007

The August 2007 issue of B.A. Tango -- Buenos Aires Tango magazine contains
an interview by Tito Palumbo with Theirry Le Cocq of France.

He relates how he began with tango after meeting his partner Veronique at a
swing dance.  Although they had classes with different teachers in France,
they never found anyone able to talk to them about the roots or culture of
tango.  Teachers only talked about technique, they didn't talk about
feelings.  He and his partner eventually travelled to Buenos Aires in 2000
and discovered another world.  He asked someone to tell him who the best
milonguero was, and Ricardo Vidort was pointed out to him in El Beso.
Ricardo became his friend and advisor, like a father.  He learned that tango
is not only a way of dancing, but a way of living.  In the past he danced
nonstop.  Now he enjoys it in a different way.  He doesn't need to dance
nonstop, but watches and listens.  This is what he found in Buenos Aires.
He comes once a year for three weeks or a month with Veronique.

Thierry says, I think the future of tango is milonguero because life is like
that.  We have to combine life experiences with technical knowledge.  When
we master both, we start appreciating the emotion of this dance.  A full and
calm emotion.  It is better to learn this philosophy early, rather than
later, when it is too late.  This is what I try to show when I dance here, a
little technique and a bit more of emotion dancing with the melodies that
the composer provided.  All this is my personal search.   I will always
remember Ricardo Vidort without whom none of this would have happened.

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