[Tango-L] DanceWeb for Mobiles and DanceWeb Google Mapplet

John H. Walton jwalton at cix.co.uk
Sun Oct 28 07:32:00 EDT 2007

DanceWeb now has available two major new features:

1) DanceWeb for Mobiles

DanceWeb was a pioneer with a mobile website in late 2002, but the phone
networks and phones were not very capable at that time, and "WAP 1" was
rather a failure! But with improved phones, and better networks,
including wi-fi on mobiles, it is now a lot more useful (and cheaper), so
DanceWeb for mobiles has re-launched at this url:


The above should work on any phone that supports any wap technology (wml,
chtml or xhtml-mp).    

2) DanceWeb Google Mapplet

The DanceWeb Mapplet is a "gadget" that you can use in conjunction with
the standard Google Map website. It has been approved for inclusion in
the Google Mapplet Directory, so go to:


->My Maps
->Browse the Directory
(enter "Dance" in search box) 

Alternatively, just go to this url shortcut:

To use the Mapplet, either key an outline address into the search box, or
just scroll / zoom the map. Markers for all dance venues found will
appear. You can even scroll around the whole of the UK if you have the
time! There is a filter that allows you to only show (e.g.) tango classes.
You can  run other Mapplets at the same time, so you can find (e.g.)
restaurants as well as the local dance venues.
Instructors: To have your classes, events or courses included in the
above features, you don't have to do anything special; just add them to
DanceWeb, and keep them uptodate! 
Dancers: Please encourage your instructors to use DanceWeb; or you can
enter their classes on their behalf. 
Both the above features are still under development, so will improve over
the coming months. Please let me know of any suggestions or problems.  

Note that although the initial coverage of DanceWeb was UK only, it is
slowly expanding coverage of USA (e.g. New York) and Canada.
Best Regards, John Walton

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