[Tango-L] Dial-Up-Modem

rockies@comcast.net rockies at comcast.net
Wed Mar 28 17:08:19 EDT 2007

To add to that - there are web pages that will tell you the places that have free wireless internet service (cafes). The easiest way to find them is to do a google search on keywords 'wireless hotspot Manhattan' (subsititute Philadelphia or city name at end). Here's a page for Manhattan for example: http://manhattan.about.com/od/citylife1/a/freewifihotspot_2.htm and another worldwide directory: http://www.jiwire.com/search-hotspot-locations.htm
If your computer doesn't have a wireless card, it may or may not be worth it to you to buy one to have the internet access. The other way is to find wired service through your hotel as Miles mentioned, but you also have to have an ethernet card in the computer -virtually all do nowadays. Not all computers will have wireless cards however.  T Mobile service is required in NYC to use Starbucks, apparently. Call the hotels you are staying at and ask if they have internet service for their customers, then plan accordingly.

Best of luck, and enjoy your visit.

Randy F

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: m i l e s <miles at tangobliss.com>
> Melina,
>  >Can you help me?
> Typically here in the states Modem numbers are supplied by the  
> provider in question and thereby you'd be using their service...so  
> you'd have to have an account with them in order to use any of those  
> numbers.
> At the same time there are other options:  Wireless and Wired.
> Most hotels have wireless in their rooms these days...and a good  
> chunk of those hotels have free wireless, or free access to the  
> internet if you have an ethernet cable, which is very easy to acquire  
> if you don't have one.  And in the cities that you're visiting, while  
> there isn't functioning municipal wireless
> citywide, there is always a starbucks handy!  If you sign up for a  
> month of service, you can visit any city in the country and get  
> wireless broadband with the same account.  Its 39 Dollars (US) for a  
> month.  29 if you sign up for a whole year.  I use this when my WWAN  
> card doesn't get a signal, and it works out fine for me.
> M i l e s.
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