[Tango-L] Didint we go through this last year

David Hodgson DHodgson at TangoLabyrinth.com
Thu Mar 8 21:02:45 EST 2007

I just received the email below and a recall a similar email about a year
ago. A couple of other teachers mentioned they got a similar email. Clay
Nelson mentioned he tried corresponding and it went no where.

Let me know if I am off track or the above information is incorrect.


This is weird, it is like a convoluted Nigerian email scam.


First: The email below is crap.

Second: What are they thinking, that someone will give them a bank account
number to deposit money in as payment for teaching services rendered. Then
they will access the account later withdrawing what ever money is in the
account (don't laugh it does happen).

Third: They could be wanting my address, to come over and steal something.
Hell I will invite them over and offer them tea in a Budweiser mug that I
would be happy to give them just to get rid of the thing.

Fourth: I could be totally wrong on all counts here.


Just checking with others and getting the word out.



PS: If any one is missing a Budweiser mug in their collection, I would be
happy to mail it to them. Really, tea is the only thing that has been in it.
It's life in my home is fast coming to a close.






From: hleb john [mailto:hleb_006 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:18 AM
To: dhodgson at tangolabyrinth.com
Subject: lesson teacher needed.........


  This is Hleb .I am from the United kingdom,my son will be coming  for a
holiday in the United state,and i wont want him to be less busy,so i just
want to know maybe you can always come and teach him great things on
Ballroom dance Lessons every afternoon.If this is possible,i will want you
to get back to me with the cost of your teach ing for two weeks in
April(1st-14th).He will be coming to your house for 1 hour each
afternoon,2pm to 3pm .I have someone that will always drive him down to your
house His name is Harry,he is 12 years old.I will want you to calculate 1
hour per day from Monday-Friday for the whole 2 weeks,and get back to me so
that we can arrange on payment looking forward to hear from you



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