[Tango-L] Effective Practice

Chris, UK tl2 at chrisjj.com
Sat Jul 28 22:03:00 EDT 2007

"Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <patangos at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Students cannot walk if they can't balance on one foot.

Students, this is nonsense.

In the tango walk, she is balanced on (at least) two feet - one of hers 
and one of yours. Plenty of girls in high heels can do this much better 
than they can balance on one foot.

> They can't pivot if they can't twist while balanced on one foot.

More nonsense. What makes the pivot easy in the dance is that she has the 
guy to twist against. Takes him away and make her balance on one foot, and 
pivoting becomes ten times harder.

> For beginners to practice musicality, they must dance alone. 

Still more nonsense. You can and do practice musicality every time you 
dance musically in a couple. Regardless of level.

Students, a teacher who repeatedly says certain things /cannot/ be done is 
presenting you with a learning opportunity. From seeing with your own eyes 
that those things can be done, you'll learn how much notice to take of 
that teacher.


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