[Tango-L] Rampant serious misunderstandings about "Gustavo"

Iron Logic railogic at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 18:37:32 EDT 2007

  Wrong, Dani. I've taken his classes as both guy and girl.
  Sometimes it helps to look inwards :)
  For beginners upwards. At $750 per person.

Yes, you read that correctly. Details at http://tinyurl.com/273mqu .
  Dear Chris, after you took classes from so many people, still can't get it....you should be honest and ask 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, can I dance?' . The answer should be: 'No'. 
  Relax...stop bitching and moaning...:))
"Chris, UK" <tl2 at chrisjj.com> wrote:
  > Chris, it's obvious you have never taken any classes/courses with Gustavo.

Wrong, Dani. I've taken his classes as both guy and girl.

> This is the teacher's (any teacher) job... to find new ways of conveying
> concepts.

Tough, isn't it? If only the old ways were not free to everyone! ;)

> go on one of Gustavo's seminarios

I'll pass, thanks. But others hereabouts might like to know of his 
forthcoming "first Volcadas & Colgadas Tango Seminar in Europe".

For beginners upwards. At $750 per person.

Yes, you read that correctly. Details at http://tinyurl.com/273mqu .



> By the way, 'Chris(UK)' sleeps with the fishes.

Correct. Lebistes reticulatus, mostly ;)
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