[Tango-L] "Alternative" Music....
white95r at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 24 13:05:38 EST 2007
>From: m i l e s <miles at tangobliss.com>
>And as an up and coming lead in the tango world isn't it the job of a
>good lead to adapt, engage, and lead your follower via whatever means
>necessary ?
Hi Miles, I don't remember responding to your post, so I'm at a loss for
appropriate answers. However, "whatever means necessary" sounds a little
like an excerpt from a discussion on mayhem and street fighting ;-)
>Its about the connection baby. Nothing more...nothing less.
>Its the meshing of two bodies moving in near perfect unison, and what
>adds icing to the cake is the floating, lulling melodic sounds of
>passion, patience, grace, and beauty...the music. And whatever music
>that works for you...great.
Wow, I certainly will not argue against lovemaking ;-)... Lovemaking is
indeed a wonderful thing and should definitely not be regulated or codified
in any way shape or form. These types of intimate physical connections are
strictly the business of the people involved.
I was actually responding to post by hellkat. It was something against
traditional Argentine tango and it's adherents. Without judgment against
anyone, I just want to say that traditional tango is not such a horrible
thing. Also, for me the tango is the dance "and" the music. For me the tango
music is the inspiration to the dance.
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