[Tango-L] How about a duet?

Igor Polk ipolk at virtuar.com
Fri Dec 21 15:38:50 EST 2007

buffmilonguera at aol.com :
"type of language leaves no apparent room for women to contribute to the
"music" - unless 
"allowed to."

- do you think a violin does not contribute to music?
You are obviously not a musician. A violin controls a musician. Not

Ladies, you can be compared to a finely tuned violin
Or to a not-tuned, creaky, squeaky, broken violin.
It is up to you to choose what to be..

I hope you have noticed the comparison of a leader to a dancer in my
previous message..
And a dancer is a .... what he can be compared to ;) ?

So, guys, you'd better pull your stings up !

Igor Polk

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