[Tango-L] pseudo-milongueros, time machine, extinction of milonguerAs, Marketing of Apocalyptic Tango

desdelasnubes@web.de desdelasnubes at web.de
Tue Dec 18 16:43:03 EST 2007

Burak wrote:
>A milonguero by himself is nothing, he gets his
> power and charisma from his partner. However, from the marketing agents of
> so-called tango milonguero thing, Milonguera has no value, they just host
> milongas, everything is Milonguero, women have to dance with them to "feel",
> then poor leader  has to make sure that he gives the same "feel" to his
> partner in order to dance like milonguero. 

Thank you for giving credit to the milonguera!!! What is a milonguero / tango dancer / leader 
without the inspiration, the gracious beauty and adornment of the milonguera/tanguera/follower?
And who generously offers the feeling to whom? 
Is it a domination or a dialogue? 

Huck wrote (on the blaming follower thread)
<sarcasm on>
     Clearly this is true, since the vast majority of
musicians, both in rock bands and symphony orchestras,
are women, and women, in general, completely dominate
the music industry.
<sarcasm off>

Domination of music industry does not necessarily have to do with musicality. 
There are more factors involved in dominating an industry. 
Keep that in your sarcastic mind ;)


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