[Tango-L] Don't blame your follower ...keys & Clasico vs. Nuevo

doug@swingfusion.com doug at swingfusion.com
Mon Dec 17 12:46:04 EST 2007

<Ron>  Why are dancers outside Argentina so interested in learning these
that are not recognized as acceptable social dancing in Buenos Aires?" If
more people went to Buenos Aires, observed how porten~os dance at the
milongas, perhaps all the workshops outside Argentina teaching ganchos,
boleos, volcadas, colgadas and the like would be empty.
  I am extremely confused by your post.  Are you suggesting that the only
dance "real tango" dancers would/should want to learn is "Tango Clasico"?
Do you think that my knowledge that portenos do not do ganchos, boleos,
volcadas, colgadas etc. lessens their interest to me and others of the Nuevo
persuasion?  Should we eject Fabian and his ilk from the world of "real
tango" dancers?  I honestly don't get what you are trying to say.
  As to why dancers are interested in these moves, I can only speak for
myself and my partner.  We very much enjoy the athleticism and intellectual
aspects of these moves.  Our connection is, although certainly different
from that in Milonguero style, at least as strong and enjoyable.  What don't
you get about this?
And contrary to what some on this list appear to believe, these moves are
not necessarily for show.  In public, my partner & I dance whatever appears
appropriate, including strict close embrace as taught to us by a dedicated
student and former partner of one of the better known portenos (since
passed) from whom we take private lessons two to four hours every month.  In
private, because it is athletic, very closely connected and hugely fun, we
dance more of a Nuevo style.  We do NOT do this as a show dance.  Many
people who never perform and never intend to still learn and practice
ballet, Tai Chi and other forms of movement.  What ARE you saying?

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