[Tango-L] Red Rover

Carol Shepherd arborlaw at comcast.net
Mon Apr 2 12:55:43 EDT 2007

I do believe there is a gem of conventional wisdom here--women who are 
waiting with women get more dances, and men who are grouped with men get 
more dances, than do people who are sitting at mixed tables, and dancers 
who are waiting alone and not conversing will do the best.

I find this discussion very interesting, and applicable to dances 
generally (ie, not only milongas but salsa, swing, ballroom).  It seems 
that most of the organized dance scene in the US is structured to enable 
socializing as much as if not more than dancing.  I wonder if the 
frequency of dancing would improve, if we tried separate men's and 
women's sides as an experiment?  (This is essentially a rhetorical 
question, I can't imagine this kind of restriction on people's behavior 
going over at all--so I don't expect an answer.)

I'm going to contact the local vintage dance group and see if they ever 
do anything like this.

My initial reaction is that everyone--couples, singles--would object to 
not sitting in the groups they desire to interact with.  Have any of the 
US organizers on this list tried anything like this?

Carol Shepherd

Nina Pesochinsky wrote:
> So create a milonga where ushers seat the men and women 
> separately.  Women will not be likely to mosey on over to the men's 
> side to ask  in person any of them to dance because it is scary over 


Carol Ruth Shepherd
Arborlaw PLC
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