[Tango-L] Community Expansion Brainstorming

El Mundo del Tango mail at elmundodeltango.com
Wed Nov 29 02:12:26 EST 2006

<<If a teacher is afraid of going to Buenos Aires
> because
> he thinks the floor is too crowded, what does this say about that 
> teacher?>>

Afraid?..I do not know...But some do not care for Buenos Aires because they 
do not buy into the notion that Tango is meant to be danced with a squarre 
foot available per couple. Rather they blame those crowded conditions on 
greedy organizers who want to have 500
people in places that are safely meant for 100, instead of simply raising 
the cover charge a bit.
We all understand that Tango is a social dance mostly to be danced closely 
and that we should observe navigational rules and objectives but when is the 
amount of people simply  too many people?
At some point, closeness and navigational skills  must become irrelevant, 
don't you think?

> If a teacher doesn't want to go to Buenos Aires because she says she can't
> get any dances, what does this say about that teacher?

That she has realized that Milongas are more social than dancing and that 
Porteños very often could not care less about dancing skills(which most 
often  they do not themselves posess). They go after the pretty ones, the 
more ignorant about Tango the better and money is a plus.

<<Is a 'teacher' who
> has never even been to a Buenos Aires milonga qualified to teach Argentine 
> Tango>>

Are you  kidding???....
Is a chef who has never dined out in Milan qualified to discuss Northern 
Italian Cuisine?


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