[Tango-L] Community Expansion Brainstorming

Jay Rabe jayrabe at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 28 14:52:43 EST 2006

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Jacob Eggers" <eggers at brandeis.edu>

... a general discussion on tango marketing concepts.

Two things have worked Very Well for me in the last year or so. One was 
serendipity. A local tanguera happened to be a writer for the Portland 
Oregonian newspaper, and she did a large spread with color pictures in the 
Jan 8, 2006 Sunday issue. My some lucky happenstance my website was one of 
two links in a sidebar, and I got a huge amount of hits that Sunday and in 
the following week. I got enough contacts to directly fill several 6-week 

The second most successful marketing effort was a street fair. One of the 
businesses on the street was run by a woman who knew about tango, and she 
asked the Portland community if anyone wanted to do a demo during their 
annual arts/crafts street fair. My partner and I volunteered, and passed out 
business cards during/after our :45 minute demo. We got several private 
lesson clients and a group of friends that did an on-going group class for 
about 6 months.

Note that neither of these efforts were targeted at any particular group.



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