[Tango-L] Tourists become foreign residents in Buenos Aires

Janis Kenyon Jantango at feedback.net.ar
Tue Nov 14 13:16:26 EST 2006

Front page news in Sunday's La Nacion reported that tourists come to visit,
but stay to live in Buenos Aires.  It mentioned that the Washington Post
published last April that Buenos Aires has become the new favorite
destination for foreigners.

The organization Young Expatriates Society of Buenos Aires (YesBA) has 4,700
names on their mailing list.  They organize monthly events for
English-speakers to get together.

Immigration department figures show that 3,885 foreigners visit the country
and request extension of their tourist visa each year, while another 16,220
foreigners in the country have applied for residency.  The U.S. Embassy in
Argentina estimates there are 23,000 Americans living in the capital federal
of Buenos Aires.

Many are attracted to Buenos Aires for the night life, but after six months
when they have spent all their savings and they have to find work, many
realize that it's not cheap to live in Buenos Aires earning pesos.

www.lanacion.com.ar  Llegan como touristas, pero se quedan a vivir en Buenos
(Nov 12, 2006)

www.whatsupbuenosaires.com edited by Grant Dull for expatriates.

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