[Tango-L] Tango has an Universal appeal.

Sergio Vandekier sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Sat May 27 15:16:53 EDT 2006

I wonder who Bruno disagrees with, certainly not with me. I wonder who was 
that said  milonga codes are of any age whatsoever.

I said:

"All the codes of tango are there for a very important reason result
of more than 100 years of experience and development."

Bruno says:

"Please allow me to disagree with respect to codes of tango being over 100
years old. Please mention one code that is over 100 years old."

I normally would ignore this misquotations but the same as Piazzolla was 
tired of arguing about his modifying tango I am a little tired of being 

So for those that have difficulty understanding the English language I said 
that the tango codes that we  presently have at the milongas are result of 
more than 100 years of experience and development. I did not mention when 
those codes came into being.

Then Bruno says:  "Rather than arguing whether what dancers are doing is or 
not Argentine tango
I think dancers should take a close look at how tango evolved against those
who opposed change."

Any art form changes, new movements appear again and again, some are very 
ephemeral others are long lasting.  At each stage of this progress or change 
in art there are those that immediately join in and those that take refuge 
in tradition.

The essential part of the art remains because it has an universal appeal.

Argentine Tango has an universal appeal and (IMO) rather than distracting 
ourselves with Piazzolla who joins "Pichuco" Anibal Troilo in 1937, forms 
his own orchestra in 1944 to accompany the famous singer Francisco 
Florentino.  Who had to fight misunderstandings like any innovator of the 

We should concentrate in the reason Argentine Tango has such an universal 

Best regards, Sergio

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