[Tango-L] Energia (energy) and Imitation vs. Authenticity

Derik Rawson rawsonweb at yahoo.com
Mon May 15 09:21:12 EDT 2006

Dear Sergio:

Thank you for explaining the meaning of "energy" in
the dance world.  It should have been obvious, but on
this list of self-appointed teachers it was not.  Why
does this not surprise me...lol.  I guess this is yet
another example of:

Imitation vs. Authenticity

Derik (accident prone, fall on the woman, genius)
d.rawson at rawsonweb.com

--- Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com>

> Evan Wallace ends his discussion of Axis and energy
> saying:  "...If 
> experienced dancers can't get within 180 degrees of
> the same answer, what is 
> a beginner to do?...
> I entirely agree with Evan.  When discussing axis or
> energy one should  know 
> the meaning those terms have in the dance world in
> general or better yet in 
> the tango environment in particular.
> Energy is generally used in tango in the sense of
> "vigor" or intensity of 
> action.
> As you know tango music has different moments, some
> are very calm, slow, 
> peaceful   called "adagios" and others in contrast 
> are very rapid, called 
> "variaciones" (variations).
> >From the point of view of the dancer those moments
> are said to be done with 
> different "energy" or intensity of action.  You
> dance the adagios in a calm 
> way and the variations in a more  rapid fashion.
> Axis in tango has more than one meaning ...but that
> is another story.
> Have a pleasant evening.   Sergio
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