[Tango-L] learning tango

Keith Belltaylor adiosmuchachos90 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 11:33:54 EDT 2006

In response to the following comment:

>Those who only learn step patterns often appear to show good depth of
composition and form, but find trouble with improvisation, navigation and
rhythm.  Those who only learn small elements often have good navigational
and rhythm skills, but the dancing can lack a sense of composition, form,
style or depth of improvisation.  It's just noodling.  Those who only learn
a structural system understand a complex set of possibilities, but may lack
form and have trouble fitting the concepts to the available space or the
rhythm of the music.<

It seems to me that here we are talking about defective teaching and defective learning.  (IMO) this has nothing to do with properly teaching, learning and dancing the different tango styles.
  With best wishes, Adios muchachos.

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