[Tango-L] Climbing a Tree Embrace
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
patangos at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 20 14:27:17 EDT 2006
--- Iron Logic <railogic at yahoo.com> wrote:
> When a woman, having placed one of her feet on the foot
> of her lover, and the other on one of his thighs, passes
> one of her arms round his back, and the other on his
> shoulders, makes slightly the sounds of singing and
> cooing, and wishes, as it were, to climb up him in order
> to have a kiss, it is called an embrace like the
> 'climbing of a tree'.
I watched a couple doing something similar at our Friday
night milonga to a slow alternative piece, and it was great
to watch! Had everyone mesmerized. We all applauded at
the end. It was very late in the milonga, lots of space,
"play time". I hadn't seen anything like it before. I
guess it would be called liquid tango.
What was particularly appealing was that it was the woman
initiating the movements and the man responding. It was
good to see a woman express herself so freely when dancing.
Definitely a sensual connection in an open embrace.
Trini de Pittsburgh
PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.
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